Volunteer Positions
Volunteering is probably one of the noblest things one can do, particularly in helping the animals. Please consider joining us in our efforts to rescue these animals. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks so please fill out our volunteer application, bring your enthusiasm and we’ll help you get involved.
For More Information Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at: volunteer@wagstorichesanimalrescue.org
Intake & Care of Rescue Animals
Animal Rescue Center
If you enjoy working with the animals, this is the place to be!
We need someone that feels comfortable around dogs that can handle them and get an idea of their temperament. We then take their pictures and post them on the website as available for adoption. In the case of an owner surrender, if someone calls in and wants their animal assessed, we talk to them and get a feel for their animals temperament, if they are aggressive we let the people know they need to address this problem first, before we would be able to help them, if we can help them at all.
Picture Taking
This would be taking pictures at the assessments, and also many times we need someone to go to homes to take puppy / kitten/ cats or dog pictures.
Giving Shots
We do this when the animals are brought in to be assessed. Sometimes we need to go to the homes to give puppies their shots.
Fostering, in your home, is a undertaking of tremendous value and equal reward. Contact us for detailed information on foster home opportunities.
We are making connections with rescues on the other side of the mountains. We need someone that would be willing to transport animals to those rescues. We would pay for gas.

Fundraising and Donations
Fundraising Coordinator
Fundraising is essential to Wags to Riches. We need funds to build a sanctuary, but prior to that we need the funds for the day to day occurrences. For example: All of our animals receive shots and are spayed or neutered (if they are old enough) prior to going to their forever homes. We will need to buy the vaccines and pay the vets. The coordinator and their team would need to come up with fund raising events and ideas.
Fundraising Team
Your job would be to help the coordinator come up with ideas for fund raising events and to help out at those events.
Pet Food Donation and Collection
Establish person to person contact (at least the initial contact) with local grocery stores to ask for pet food donations. A lot of times they have bags of food that have broken open that can’t be sold and just need a place to donate. When we get calls from grocery stores we need someone to pick up the food. From any other source, we need someone who can pick food up at any time.
Office Help
We need help with paperwork. When people bring their animals in that are being assessed, we need to get all the background information on them so that we can have an accurate bio to go with their picture online. Once we have an owner surrender, we need someone to make sure the family is given the proper forms when they turn their animal over to Wags to Riches. Also adoptions will be done the same day, so we would like to have someone there to process the paperwork.
Phone Messages
We have a message line that people call in to. The calls need to be checked at least once a day, and calls returned. We have guidelines that we follow to answer their questions.
Volunteer Coordinator
We need someone to be in contact with the volunteers. To be in charge of their schedule, for example, for assessments. Volunteers are also vitally important to our organization. We would need you to be in contact with the volunteers to make sure they are happy. As you can see we need volunteer help in many areas!
Education Team
Our education team goes into schools and teaches the 3 R’s of Wags…Respect, Responsibility and Rescue from grades 1-6 as well as our Bite Proofing program. In addition, volunteers could be available, with advance notice, to give speeches about Wags to Riches.
Media Relations
We would like someone to be a liaison between the media (television, radio etc.) and our organization. We want this person to contact the media when we have events. We want this person to keep their eyes and ears open for places that we may get the word out about our organization.
Newsletter Editor
The newsletter is published 4 times per year. Must have experience in newsletter and writing. For more information anyone who is interested can email Juanda.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Volunteers of Wags to Riches we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity. YOU HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
For more information on these volunteer opportunities, please Contact Us
or call 509-453-4155.